Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I Got Soul But I'm Not a Soldier

I'm officially a runner. Sort of. Amanda found out about this 12K race in San Francisco next month called Bay to Breakers, and we're going to head up there and run it. Needless to say, 7.5 minutes of running doesn't exactly sound like heaven to me, so 7.5 miles is going to take a little work. I got online the other day and found this 10-week training guide for a 15K run, and I figured, since 12K is less than 15K, it's ok that I only have 7 weeks to train instead of 10. That's logical, right? Anyway, since I'm officially training for a race, I'm officially a runner.

Only problem is, I've been sick for the past week or so, so I haven't been able to get to the gym. Nothing serious, I don't think, just a sinus infection (like I get just about 47 times every year), except that I've felt fine since last Thursday but haven't been able to shake this really phlegmmy cough. I'm hawking stuff up all day (I know you all wanted to know that), and it's driving me nuts. I decided to will myself well, though, and tonight I hit the gym. Luckily Wednesday is an easy day on the training schedule, 30 minutes of cross-training. Didn't sound like a long time before I started, but man, that really adds up. Good thing I had good music to keep me going.

Today's lesson is a list (in progress) of the best albums to listen to at the gym, whether you're lifting weights or running, or whatever. Just good "get-you-going" music. This is just off the top of my head, so there may be some glaring omissions. As always, if anyone has any other suggestions for me, or disagrees with any of these, please feel free to leave me a comment.

Guns N Roses - Appetite for Destruction
Metallica - Master of Puppets
Metallica - S&M
The Killers - Hot Fuss
The Strokes - Is This It?
Sleater-Kinney - Dig Me Out
AC-DC - Back In Black
Beastie Boys - The Sounds of Science
Soundtrack - The Rocky Story

If you're headed to the gym, pop one of those albums in the iPod or discman on your way there. You won't be disappointed.

If you're into music, I came across a great blog the other day, called An Aquarium Drunkard. It's excellent, and the guy just started podcasting today (or maybe yesterday), and I'm actually listening to his podcast right now and it's freaking awesome. Check it out when you get a chance, it's in this link.

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