Sunday, May 20, 2007

A New Chapter...

So, Amanda and I are leaving LA tomorrow morning. We set up a blog for our trip (yeah, we're ripping off Howard, so what?), so check back with us over the next few weeks here:

Amanda & Ben's Road Trip

I am going to start a new blog, I think, once we get to Atlanta, but I've got to think about it for a little while. I guess its good that I won't be there for 3 weeks. To those of you who have stuck around since the beginning (Mom, Dad, Andy), I hope you'll be able to make the transition over to the new site, whatever form it ends up taking. It's been a good run. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Drive safely - keep us posted!!!

I'll miss your left coast posts that I could only read with Mozilla!

Anonymous said...

You know I'll read you from wherever you are!

Anonymous said...

"And I, will always love you!"

Craig said...

Please send me the new blog address - we were introduce to your blog via the walkers - it has been fun seeing what life is like in Cali

thanks craig

please email me the new info at