Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Seattle's Best and Most Recent

Pearl Jam released their newest CD yesterday, their self-titled debut on new label Monkey Wrench. I picked up a copy of it tonight, and I have to say that I really like it. Folks have taken to calling it the "Avocado Album," since self-titled albums are pretty boring, and since I've grown to really love avocados in my short time in California, I think I'll do the same.

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Since Pearl Jam is back (in a big way) with the Avocado Album, I'm using this as my cue to get back into blogging. Andy's pissed I've been gone. Sorry, dude. Go get the Pearl Jam record. You'll enjoy it.

Here are my thoughts on the Avocado Album. Pearl Jam are what the Doors would have been if the Doors played in today's environment. I know, that's a bold statement. I'm a huge Doors fan, and I'm not trying to offend anyone by that statement, but Eddie Vedder is today's Jim Morrison. You can really hear it on this album, especially on the third track, "Comatose." The fourth track, "Severed Hand," is flat-out awesome, and it will be remembered as one of their better songs. Unfortunately, I'm only about halfway through the album, but I don't expect disappointment in the least.

You can listen to the entire album by clicking this link, it's streaming at AOL.

And, if you're now craving avocados (like I am), here's a great recipe for guacamole:

3 avocados, peeled, pitted and mashed
1 lime, juiced
1 teaspoon, salt
1/2 cup, diced onion
3 tablespoons, chopped fresh cilantro
2 roma tomatoes, diced
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 pinch ground cayenne pepper

Makes 4 servings. Find 3 friends, put on the Avocado Album, and make some guacamole. Enjoy both at room temperature. For best results, add beer.

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