What do you call 10,000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean??
(Listening to: The Rebel Johnny Yuma, Johnny Cash)
Everybody's got to start somewhere. I guess I start here. I like to write, and I want to be able to keep my friends and family apprised of just about everything that happens in Los Angeles, once I head out west this summer, so I figured that this would be a good way to do both, rather than sending out the countless mass emails, apologizing for their impersonal nature but not really meaning it.
I don't know how often I will write, but I will certainly try to post a couple of times a week. I don't know exactly what I will be writing about, either, but I would imagine the posts would fall somewhere within these (self-imposed) guidelines:
Things I will NOT write about:
1. Personal problems - I will not be airing out my problems in a public forum. Nobody likes that shit, especially me.
2. Any past or present experiences with hard drugs.
3. That was a joke, Mom.
4. That's pretty much it. Anything else is fair game, I guess. I will not be censoring myself, so if you have a weak stomach, or heart, maybe you shouldn't read. I use a lot of foul language, and I don't necessarily intend on changing that.
Things I probably WILL write about, maybe more often than not:
1. The Texas Longhorns
2. The Boston Red Sox
3. Books, movies, tv, music, etc. The things that fuel me, other than caffeine and Jim Beam.
4. I listen to a LOT of music, and, more for myself than for anyone else, I'm going to indicate at the top of each post what I happen to be listening to at the time of posting, and it will generally have nothing at all to do with the content of the post or with the title of the post. Pure coincidence if it does.
5. Crazy drunk nights in LA (although I doubt seriously that I will be able to afford too many of these)
6. Horrible hungover mornings in LA (hopefully these will be few and far between)
7. My soon-to-be "Three's Company" style living situation, when Amanda and I take a roommate in LA. This should be interesting.
8. Lists. I LOVE lists. When I get bored, I make lists. Sometimes, I will post them.
I guess I could go on, but I won't. I will just say this. The "Talk to Me" link under each post can be used by anyone to comment on anything. Until I see some comments, I will be writing under the assumption that the only person reading this is my mother. She's used to the foul language by now, though, as her attempts to stop me from cussing like a sailor back in high school proved fruitless, when my entire allowance would generally go straight from their pocket into the "swear jar" (with offenses maxing out at a whopping $1.00 a pop), bypassing my hand entirely and yet having no effect on the blue-material I was working.
I didn't really get an allowance, I got paid 5 bucks a week for taking out the trash, and I wasn't really very good at it, but I think they felt some obligation to pay me off anyway.
Anyway, back on point. Until I leave Jackson, I'll probably post periodically, with anything I think might be interesting enough to write about, like sitting in my apartment watching reruns of the OC.
That is all.
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