Thursday, November 02, 2006


Things just got a tiny bit more awesome in my daily grind. I don't know if you've ever been to a Famima!! (it comes with the punctuation, like Yahoo!), but until the other day, I hadn't. I'd seen them here and there, and I'd gazed into them like I was looking upon the Holy Grail, but never gone in. Well, one just opened across the street from my office a few days ago, and let me tell you (and this is going to sound SO ridiculous), it's the best convenience store I've ever been in. If you get as excited about trivial crap as I do, then get yourself into a Famima!! as soon as possible.

In other news, at Ralph's on Tuesday night, I decided to eschew my normal purchase of "brown sugar and cinnamon" flavored oatmeal for a new "cinnamon roll" flavor. My thinking was that I love cinnamon rolls, so how could this really go wrong. Yikes. I couldn't even eat 3 bites of it, and now I've got 9 more packs of it to either waste or force myself through before I can start fresh with the old standby. I'll tell you, sometimes life's tough.